What Is WordPress?
WordPress is the largest used website creator in the world. There is currently 74,652,825 sites created with WordPress and that number grows everyday, you can help it grow.
Would you like to have your own website that you can say anything you want, even use it to make money?
WordPress is super easy to use and you can create a free website, let me tell you how. Continue Reading.
How Simple Is WordPress To Use?

WordPress Is Simple!
Before I knew anything about website building, I thought it was a super long process that only the super nerdy tech people could learn. I found this to be completely wrong.
I was a jock back in high school, I was smart but I never thought I would get into the website world. Once I found out just how easy it was to create a free website, I was hooked.
I learned that I could use my website to make me money. I actually have two websites making me money. I said I was a jock, I enjoy lifting weights and getting stronger, so I used all my knowledge on working out and using supplements to create my workout supplement website. After making that site, I created this one to help others, like yourself, create their own website(s). Any website can make you money if you know what you are talking about.
Most people in the world have zero knowledge on reading computer code. I have some but not anything that would help me create a website. This is the awesome part about WordPress. You don’t need to know:
- HTML Code
- Meta Tags
- Really Anything
I am 100% serious, that you do not need to really know anything about creating a website. WordPress is honestly that simple. All the hard work is done for you and you just have to write the content and make it look pretty.
How To Create Your Free WordPress Website In 30 Seconds!
I want you to click the video and watch it all the way through. It is so simple that you can do it right after the video.
Click Here To Go Straight To The Wealthy Affiliate Home Page Or Create Your Site Below
Wealthy Affiliate is an amazing website host for your free website. They will allow you to create two free websites and they will keep them secure with their amazing website host server.
You can have a family competition, get all your friends in on it.
Who has the best site, can be a fun way to create a new bond between you and your friendly competitor. I do it with a few of my friends and I definitely kick their butts, when it comes to who has the better site. They work on theirs but I work on my much more. I make way more money than them too. Websites take time and even free websites can make you money.
How To Use Your Free Website To Earn You Money
So by this point, I hope you watched the video and maybe even set up a site of your own, but if not that’s fine.
Once you have a website created, you need to acquire traffic. You need people to visit your website if you want to make money. Remember this one thing. Traffic equals money!
If you want to make money with your website, you need traffic. If you want traffic, you need to write quality content. Long story short, if you don’t have content people want to read, no one will visit your website.
The key to getting traffic is, writing helpful information that search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo will put into their search engines. The main search engines love to put helpful information on their search results. The more great sites they have the more helpful they are.
Every time you ask Google a question, the answer you get was written by someone else. Google likes to help people with answers to their questions. If you can’t give helpful tips then Google will simply not add you to their search engine and you miss out on tons of traffic.
Traffic is not impossible with a free website. There is a member at Wealthy Affiliate, who had his free website, earn 4200 views in one month. That is amazing. With good content, people want to read it and it will pay off for you.
What Is Wealthy Affiliate?
I just mentioned a member at Wealthy Affiliate, so now I am going to tell you what it is.
The video I showed you above was created by the creator of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle. Him and his partner Carson have created a website that is dedicated to helping others create an income online. This is why you are able to create a free website. They want to help you succeed.
Wealthy Affiliate is the only way I am able to create a full income online.
I want you to read my full Wealthy Affiliate Review and come back here when you are done. Keep the review tab open.
Read My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review Here
I hope you just read my review and you are back.
So now that you know all about Wealthy Affiliate from my review, you should have some better understanding how you will use your free website to make money. I do this everyday and so do thousands of other members at Wealthy Affiliate. Sign up if you have not already for a free membership. There is a link inside my review … This is why I wanted you to keep that tab open.
Make Me A Promise!
I want you to do one thing for me. I am 100% serious about wanting to help you.
I want you to come back to this page and in the comment section below, I want you to leave the name of your website. If you get your friends or family to sign up, get their site name down there too. This is free advertisement for your website and it will never leave my comment section, I promise you that.
I showed you how to create a website in 30 seconds, now create it, comment your site below, and make some money!
I want to thank you for visiting my site. If you have any questions or comments, leave those in the comment section too, I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Creator of Whodoesntlovemoney.com
4 Responses
I really love this site! I am also a member of WA and love it!
Hey Alisha, Thanks for the comment! I am glad to see another member of Wealthy Affiliate likes my website. I have worked hard on it and anyone can create a website that makes them money just like this one. Wealthy Affiliate is the key to making money, watch the free videos and decide if it is for you.
-Kenny Wealthy Affiliate
This is a great article. I love the way that you talked about your personal journey and that you took me through a step by step approach to learn how to and the benefits of building an online business.
Many thanks
Hey Sean, its my pleasure! I want to help everyone I can better their life by working online from where ever they want. If I have to tell you and others about myself I am glad to do so. I am glad you enjoyed my article!