Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: $0 Starter Membership
$49/Month Premium Membership
$359/Year Platinum Membership
Overall Rating: 97/100
Here is a bit about my journey, feel free to go straight to “What You Will Be Doing“
Like everyone, myself included, we want to make more money and we want to do less to get it. I didn’t want to “have to” go to work every day, during hours I don’t want to work, doing tasks I don’t want to do. I have been searching and trying ways to make money online since I was 18 years old, I am 21 now and found Wealthy Affiliate a few days after my 20th birthday, so I had 2 years of searching and trying.
I was scammed a few times, told I would make money in days if I sign up for this, pay for that… Not only failing but having to put up with all the I told you so’s from family and friends. No one believes you can make money with out having a job, most of my family is the older generation, trust me, they aren’t very strong believers of the internet. All the hate will build up if you can’t get a grip on how to actually make money online.
The best feeling you can ever really have, well maybe not the absolute best, but one of the best feelings is making your first dollar online. When I made my first dollar, I believe it was a click on an a Google AdSense Ad on my first website. It wasn’t much but I knew I was going to show everyone they were wrong! I found Wealthy Affiliate a legitimate Online Marketing School that has been around for the last 16 years, with over 1.1 Million members, they showed me the true path to making money online, not quickly by scamming but building websites that will last and build an income for the rest of your life if you plan to. They actually teach you business… online.

Wealthy Affiliate helped me with the struggle of finding a legitimate way to making money online. A way to invest into not just a program, but myself and the websites I create. I ended up getting a seasonal job, 2 seasons in a row to make sure I could keep up with my Premium Member expenses, I explain the whole pricing down below, but the whole point I want to make, you need money to make money! However, there are lots of other ways I am s
I spent about 1-3 hours a day, depending on the day and what was going on in my crazy life, learning everything I could and working as hard as I could to follow the training I just learned to build and improve my site, I continue to improve my sites, all the time. So let me explain a little more about this program.
Especially the training.
At Wealthy Affiliate you learn to build a website based off of information you already have and knowledge you are willing to learn. You will build a business on the internet that is entirely up to you on the topic or Niche as we call it in business.
The training walks you through all the tools and how to use them to build and boost your very own website. Whatever you are willing to learn is available to you, the more you learn the more ways you will understand to build a full time business that creates for you a full time income. All online, All from your own effort.
Online Certification (5 Courses)
- Getting Started
- Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website
- Making Money!
- Mastering Social Engagement
- Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

Affiliate Bootcamp (7 Courses)
- Getting Your Business Rolling
- Content, Keywords, And Conversions
- Giving Your Site Social Value
- Get Visual. Get Aesthetic. Get A Brand Through Media
- Knowing Your Audience & Catapulting Your Referrals
- Bing, Yahoo, And The Power Of PPC
- How To Scale Successful PPC Campaigns
*Highly Recommended Combining The Knowledge Of Both Training Courses*
Upon the many failed attempts of finding a real way to make money online, I continued searching. I stumbled upon this program, and of course I was skeptical, I almost skipped it and kept searching, but I stayed and went through the free training to see what they were going to teach me for free.
I took about a week to finish the free training, then discovered I could talk to real people in the live chat that are doing the same things I was, they were working on their sites and I was learning to work on mine. I was surrounded by people like myself who were looking to quit their jobs and live the life they wanted. Everyone treated me like an equal, answered my every question, and made me feel welcome. Nothing makes you more skeptical than being left in the dark. With Wealthy Affiliate, I was as far from the dark as I could be.
When I found the site, the one thing that really caught my attention was the free trial, no credit card required, just an email, then you create your username and password. I thought lets give this a shot, what could go wrong with free.
This was the first program to work for me and I haven’t found any reason to find another. From people with College Degrees, to high school drop outs, this program can change your life as it did mine.
What You Will Be Doing
The steps necessary are so simple that we have teenagers to retirees doing this on almost an everyday basis. With the process being so simple, there are a lot of us that do this for a full time career.

#1) Choose a Niche – A niche is basically a category for your website. A niche can be anything from clothes, to car parts, to video games. Literally any niche can be profitable if you know enough about it. I recommend a niche that you are truly passionate about.
#2) Create A Website – This part sounds the toughest, I assure you it is not. Within Wealthy Affiliate, there is a Siterubix tool that will literally have your website ready for you to start in 30 seconds. I recommend you focus on one site first before starting another. I currently have 4 websites and I love them all. You will be shown step by step, with The Wealthy Affiliate Training!
#3) Get Traffic – This is by far the most important part. Within Wealthy Affiliate, you are guided along and shown exactly how to build your site so you attract new visitors with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which is a way to get real organic traffic. Visitors are the key to $$$.
When anyone searches anything in Google, Bing, or Yahoo (The Big 3), the search results that pop up, were written by another person. When you can get your own posts in search engines, you will have a customer base for life. This is what The Wealthy Affiliate Training teaches you.
Other ways to gain traffic can be… Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest), PPC (Pay Per Click), and/or YouTube. The Wealthy Affiliate Training will teach you, and I will be there to help you out!
#4) Monetize – This is the fun part! Once you have your niche chosen, your website built, you have a good amount of readers to your site, reading about things you wrote… People read things, it doesn’t matter who you are, or what your life has been like. You have a personality, if you can put it into words and help people with your content, you will have lots of readers.
Okay, so now you have readers, reading about your main niche, some helpful article that you wrote. Within this article you have written, you can recommend a certain product that really helped you out in some situation for some reason that is related to your article and you have used that product for that purpose ever since, (think about the products you could actually talk about right now, if you can talk about it with your mouth, you can talk about it with your fingers, or even with videos).
Just because you told your readers a story about that product, they may want to follow your recommendation, so you give them a link to follow and you will earn commission from products you recommend. This is called Affiliate Marketing and is the main teaching at Wealthy Affiliate.
There are tons of other ways to make money with your website like Google AdSense and other Advertising Networks, or if want to make money faster while your website is in the “Work In Progress” Stage, you can become a freelancer and get paid to write for others. There are so many ways to make money but if you don’t learn to understand any of it, you will never become successful at it.
These are 4 steps that are simple and crucial. They get your site off the ground Quickly and Effectively (About 3 months). Wealthy Affiliate’s step by step videos are easy to follow and there is support the whole time, if you get stuck, ask for help from live members in the Live Chat, or ask me Personally within Wealthy Affiliate.
Here Is My Actual Wealthy Affiliate Profile Link
What I love About Wealthy Affiliate
There are countless things I love about Wealthy Affiliate! I will tell you a few items I love the most.
- *Free Starter Membership*

- Live chat
- Access to 1,000’s of successful marketers
- Success Stories
- The interactive community
- 24/7 support
- WA Training
- Website builder & hosting
- All the tools and features
- No recruiting
- No direct selling
- No upsells, hype, or gimmicks
The atmosphere of Wealthy Affiliate is that of none other. You are not pressured by anyone to do anything or buy anything, if you truly want to spend the time to do the steps above, You will see success! The creators of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, fully believe in the power of helping others, you need to want to do this, and they want to show you how. Wealthy Affiliate was built to help others create a profit online, as long as you are willing to put in the time!
What Makes Wealthy Affiliate Different

Wealthy Affiliate’s Support is by far #1, the creators themselves are there to help you from start to finish. This itself is by far one of the greatest points to be said about the trustworthiness and loyalty of Wealthy Affiliate.
Not only are the Creators offering help but 24/7 support is there for any help you need. From website problems to simple questions, you can get answers from them any time. Not only are you able to contact people working for Wealthy Affiliate, you can talk to any of the thousands of members in the chat room that always has a helpful member. From help to casual conversations the chat room is definitely a unique feature at Wealthy Affiliate.
Last, But not least, The Price! Where else can you go to start a business for only $19. When you sign up for your free membership you are given all the tools necessary to start your online business, but you are given a special discount for your first month if you decide to upgrade to the Premium Membership. In the first level of free certification videos you are taught everything you need to succeed, but there are opportunities and tools available if you decide to upgrade, and $19 is a steal for your first month for how much knowledge you are able to learn.
Kyle and Carson have developed this site where you need to own no product, make no phone calls, or “have to” recruit other people, and not having to do any of that you can make a full time business out of the lessons they can teach you. As long as you stay on the path they take you down and don’t stray, you will see Success. When you get lost, ask questions. Online Marketing can change your life if you are willing to change it!
Who Can Benefit From This Program
- Unemployed or need a job
- College Students

Pretty much what I am saying is, No matter what your age, current employment, gender, life style, anything that applies to you. You can use this method, This is the community to make a new life for yourself. Money is a great thing to have. I have this saying… “Money may not buy happiness, but it can help you achieve it.” I fully believe that.
If you are unhappy living your one life, why live it? You have one life to live. Make money on your own time and live happily! Being able to work your own hours and work from anywhere that has a computer and internet connection will make you happy… Trust me.
The Price
Wealthy Affiliate, has 3 types of memberships. The Free Starter Membership, The Premium Monthly Membership, and The Incredible Platinum Yearly Membership (Huge Discount). Unlike other online marketing sites that claim they will earn you money, Wealthy Affiliate lets you try the first level of The Online Certification, and The First Level Of The Affiliate Bootcamp for free, (20 Free Lessons) no credit card information is necessary for the Free Starter Membership. If you are considering online marketing, finish all the free lessons before deciding to upgrade.
With this being said, The Premium Monthly Membership is definitely worth the money. I do not want to tell you to jump right into The Premium Membership… I didn’t. I took the free trial and paid the $19 for the first month and decided to stick with it a little longer and “a little longer” has turned into a lot longer, I plan to be with Wealthy Affiliate For Life! This is up to you, Try the free membership, set up your profile, get your site set up and decide if you want to upgrade to The Premium Membership, with much more training.
There is also the option with a huge discount to purchase The Platinum Yearly Membership at $359 a year, that is less than $1 a day for access to all the training you will ever need, host up to 50 Websites, and unlimited access to The Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Tool and Live Chat. All the benefits of The Premium Monthly Membership, at a huge discount!
I am currently a Wealthy Affiliate Platinum Member, after a year, I knew it was worth it and I enjoy not receiving a monthly bill. Like I said above, I started with the free membership, not having any idea how long I would be with Wealthy Affiliate, the same spot you are in right now.
Check out Wealthy Affiliate’s Updates Prices Here! The Future Of Wealthy Affiliate!
*Wealthy Affiliate Will Be The Home Base For Your Online Business*
What I recommend
Take it from me, I got scammed and spent money I should not have, but here I am at Wealthy Affiliate loving life! Wealthy Affiliate is so great that not signing up today is just the same as walking away from a million dollar opportunity. I may sound like a salesman but I am trying to show you a program that will teach you and give you the tools you need to become a successful online business owner.

Lets make this simple. If you sign up, learn and apply the training and don’t give up on yourself you can be successful at online marketing, in any niche you choose. I work 1-3 hours a day and my life is amazing. I really love what I do.
My recommendation is to start out with the free starter membership as this will be just enough to give you an outer glimpse of what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. From there you can either decide to choose premium, or keep on searching for the next best way to make money online. (You won’t find a better way)
Accept The Free Trial Offer Here
Creator Of
21 Responses
You are so right about the getting traffic part.
This is the most important part of the process. Those who can receive traffic on a consistent basis turn their website into making money automatically and this is Wealthy Affiliate’s focus.
You’re taught how to provide quality content as this is what the Search Engines rank, how to use the keyword tool to give your titles the exact same words people are typing into the search bar to find a post with your subject and how to make your post engaging through the WA platform where members comment on each others posts.
Couple all this lot together – This is how to effectively connect with people and receive high rankings.
A powerful platform,
To me, what makes Wealthy Affiliate so special, apart from its many other amazing aspects, is the community support. There is no single online entrepreneur who succeeded on his/her own, without any outside support. This is because of the overwhelming information, knowledge, and skill set one need to master. For this reason even tough we have access to tons of invaluable knowledge on the Wealthy Affiliate platform, we still need a very supportive community to rely on whenever we got stuck.
The 24/7 community support and the direct support available from its founders – Kyle and Carson- is really awesome. The 24/7 live chat is also a unique service not found anywhere else.The community is one of the most supportive of its kind, to say the least.
Wealthy Affiliate really is the entire entrepreneur’s guide book to making a full living online. One of my favorite parts of Wealthy Affiliate is the live chat that you always have access to someone with your answer. Like you said, that can’t be found anywhere else.
It is proven that Wealthy Affiliate is top of the range community platform that has got full support to its members 24/7. Many Entrepreneurs succeeded on this online program and continue to do so on daily basis. I like the fact that the platform does not need any experience but members gain the experience using its resources to equip them with tons of opportunity and knowledge to have a successful online business.
Thank you so much for the review and opportunity to leave a comment on your website. Wish you all the best with your online adventure.
Thank you for the reconfirmation that Wealthy Affiliate is an amazing community to learn from and prosper in. I would love to show everyone I can that is interested in online marketing or in simpler terms, making money online, the wonderful community of Wealthy Affiliate!
How much do u guys earn by having someone purchasing and item from website provided?
In order for you to earn money, do they need to purchase or just browse those websites?
How much you make is really up to you. Everyone has an opportunity at Wealthy Affiliate to succeed and make a lot of money. The tools and training that are offered is everything you will ever need to succeed and even get ahead of the competition. When it comes to selling. You will earn commission of what ever product you are promoting, you can also set up ads on your website that earn you money just for being viewed. There is so many ways to make money online. Wealthy Affiliate helps you learn from scratch how to build a website then how to monetize it.
I hope this clears it up for you a bit.
Great review and I liked the little video. Wealthy Affiliate sounds like a great platform to launch from. I have been looking for a place to start from but am a little skeptical as I have been scammed before as well. Not a very fun experience and it costs money and time. How does Wealthy Affiliate deal with spammers? This is a pet peeve of mine as well as upselling. Are there additional costs to Wealthy Affiliate after u become a premium member? What about security as I want to start an e-commerce store website, would they be able to help me with that in setting it all up? I am really liking all the features u mention above and just need a little more info before jumping with both feet so to speak. I look forward to your response and wish I a great day sir.
Thanks again for this very informative review, I am very impressed with what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer so far. 🙂
Thanks for the comment and questions, Carl! Wealthy Affiliate has some pretty strict rules about spamming within the community. No one likes a spammer and especially no one likes a spammer mid conversation in say the live chat, they can lose their membership if it is continued.
The premium membership unlocks the rest of the training and many other cool features at Wealthy Affiliate, for example, SSL, instead of having a website with HTTP you will have one with HTTPS, that means a 256 bit encrypted connection, in less tech terms… better rankings in search engines and amazing security. You can upgrade to a yearly membership, instead of the monthly and save a bit of money. There are also domains to be purchased, but that is up to you. I currently own 4 domains at Wealthy Affiliate.
The free membership is just that, free. There is no credit card required and I ask, if you try Wealthy Affiliate, finish the free lessons before making a major decision. Once you sign up you can ask every question you have in the live chat. Wealthy Affiliate has changed my life and many others and I never plan to have another job again.
Hope I helped nudge you in the right direction!
Thank you for this review.
I have been looking for ways to make money online.
The best one for me is Wealthy Affiliate. Maybe gonna sign up.
I am just starting in the online marketing world but I guess you have to start somewhere.
Thank you again for helping me decide that the best is to start learning from wealthy affiliate.
Keep up the good work
I’m here to show others how to make a living online with hard work and effort put into a website that you build. I am glad you were able to find Wealthy Affiliate. The longer you stay in the online marketing world and learn, the more it will become simple, because it really is.
Hi huffman, im jimmy. I find this facinating and I am so interested. I have been interested in affiliate marketing for a while now but dont know exactly how to start.
This wealthy affilaite you propose here is it really like you say it is? Will I really get a free website and all the support to make it successful?
Wealthy Affiliate is the most affordable place to start and run successful online businesses. Affiliate marketing is amazing and Wealthy Affiliate is the place to learn all about it. You get 2 free websites with your free membership but 25 free sites with the premium membership and 25 more regular domains your own, if you ever have that many.
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is everything I say it is, it is built for success! But only if you apply the training that you are taught. Money will not be given to you, I can guarantee that!
What a super informative website. I am already a premium member with Wealthy Affiliate but if I was reading this for the first time, I’d join the community immediately.
This site is so well set out. Quality. All the information is here. Where, what, how, when.
You are going places, Kenny. Right to the top. One can hear that the info shared here comes from someone who knows what he is talking about and is an experienced player who walks his talk and genuinely believes in Wealthy Affiliate.
Well done and thank you.
Hey Roy, thanks for the backup! Being a premium member already, you understand why Wealthy Affiliate truly is the #1 place to start an online business. You have access to everything you need and if you have no idea what you are doing, that is the point of the step by step training that will teach you to create an online business in what ever niche you choose.
I will remain with Wealthy Affiliate for years to come!
Work Hard, Believe In Your Work!
I have had almost the same experiences as you with earning money online, scams and not scams and thing in between:D I’m not happy withworking 9-5 either and have looked for online alternatives for some year now. Your review is great, I can see great value in Wealthy Affiliate and also that is takes some work to get it going -which is normal when starting a new business.
Hey Linda, there are a lot of scams online and if you don’t know what you are looking for, like us at first, you get scared to try anything online. The internet is still relatively new to some people, beyond social media and searching Google, eventually more and more people will be starting online businesses and search engines will be full of all the info, and creating a lot of income for the sites that provide the best tips and info.
The 9-5 jobs are going to die eventually, I say within the next 25 years, there will be a much larger land of opportunity for those who are too scared to start now. I think a lot more mini marketing jobs, for example when you see people post on Facebook and say they will pay you $0.25 for sharing something, do that all day and you can make some good money.
That would be a good example of a mini marketing job that can create an income but doesn’t take as much work as creating your own online business. Just like everything in life, the harder you work, the more you get out.
Wealthy Affiliate is the only place that offers everything you need to launch a successful online business and all the training and support you can ever need to understand what you need to do.
Work Hard And Profit!
Great post! Thanks for sharing how you got to where you are now. Like you, I didn’t want to go to work during the best hours of the day and do tasks that I hate. I wanted the freedom to create my own schedule and be my own boss. I tried MLMs and some different training systems online, but none of that gave me what I really wanted. Plus, it all was so expensive and just kept charging me for more and more. I just wanted a chance to try something out before putting any money down.
That’s why I tried Wealthy Affiliate when I first found it. I had never seen a free membership offer that didn’t require my credit card information to sign up. I figured I had nothing to lose. And I quickly found that the small fee to become a premium member was totally worth it. Wealthy Affiliate has everything a person needs to succeed online. I’d recommend it to anyone.
Thanks for promoting such a trustworthy opportunity!
Thanks for the support Weston! Wealthy Affiliate will be the home of my websites for many years to come. Everything I know came from the training and other members inside, everyone has their own direction and learn new things on their own path that may be able to help you while you blaze your own path to online income!
Anyone who wants to learn to build a website and learn to monetize it should definitely sign up for Wealthy Affiliate’s free membership that gives them enough info to know if this is for them!
You recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone and so do I!
Thanks for your comment!
Creator Of
Yes I agree with everything you said about Wealthy Affiliate. I too was scamed a few times by others that claimed to be the best teachers on internet marketing. I am so glad I found Wealthy Affiliate. They are the real deal in affiliate marketing.
Hey Dave, glad to hear you are enjoying your Wealthy Affiliate experience. The more you learn, the more opportunities open up, affiliate marketing can help anyone who wants to earn commission promoting items they already use or have an interest in, Wealthy Affiliate helps anyone really grasp the concept, oh and helps you step by step to set up your website. Website building is a skill of its own that can be used in many situations, WA is a great place to host up to 50 websites with a premium account, I’m sure that’s what you have! 😉
Thanks for the comment Dave! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!