How To Build A Free Website And Use It To Make Money – Find Out Here

A website is under constant construction and the larger you build it, the more profitable it become. Nothing comes without hard work
I want to answer your question of how to build a free website and tell you how to use it to make money. Yes real money.
I am part of a wonderful online community called Wealthy Affiliate. They taught me everything I will ever need to know to make money online. You can really benefit if you are willing to put the time in. I love Wealthy Affiliate!
Click Here For My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review
How To Create A Website
When I first signed up for Wealthy Affiliate, I was so confused. I was told to create a website, but I had zero experience. They taught me everything I needed to know. I was even guided with step by step videos to get my website up and running.
Wealthy Affiliate has this cool website creator that can create you a website in 30 seconds. Here try it yourself!
Create A Free Website In 30 Seconds
Any website can be profitable. The only thing stopping it, is the creator. If the creator neglects his or her website, it will produce nothing. I love creating new posts and pages every single day on my websites and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life.
Working for someone else’s dream? Yeah… no thanks. I want to work for my own dreams and I do that every day with my websites.
How To Make Money With Your Website
I want to tell you the ways the internet helps people make money, everyday. There are so many ways out there, I will tell you the basic ones.
- Have a product/service and sell it
- Have scam and get people to sign up and basically make them sign up for a program that tells them they will make money by either A) not telling them how, just that it works, B) A pyramid scheme that requires you to get others below you and basically scam them or C) Provide them with a service that isn’t real but they still pay for it.
- Promote other peoples products or services and get paid by them for helping (EASIEST WAY)
I’m going to focus on the 3rd way. Promoting.

Share Gold, You Will Earn Gold!
When you have a website set up, you are the person that decides what goes on it. You are able to literally put any content you want on your website because it is yours. The main key you need to focus on is your content. What you are sharing with other people. If you share garbage, you will earn garbage. If you share gold, you will earn gold!
The internet has 2 billion people using it every single day, that is a lot of people. The searches they put into the main Search Engines ( Google, Yahoo, Bing) are endless. Any niche can be a profitable one, you just need to know what you are talking about and write content people want to read it.
Once you have an audience that wants to read your content, they will become trusting you. You then become an affiliate of a program, lets say Amazon Associates. You take products from them and promote them on your website.
Learn More About Amazon Associates Here
How To Get Paid
I used Amazon Associates as the example because there are so many different products to promote. When you are an affiliate for Amazon, anything you promote on your website that people decide to buy will earn you a commission, usually 5-15%.
The main things you need to do:
- Create a website
- Get traffic by writing quality content
- Sign up for an affiliate program
- Promote a product
- Get paid by your affiliate program every time you help sell an item
This may sound simple and guess what… it is.
What Is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is a program that you are able to sign up for completely free of charge. You may be thinking, “Is this a scam?” I said above that a scam being something you sign up for to make money but aren’t told anything until you sign up. Wealthy Affiliate is the total opposite of a scam. Wealthy Affiliate gives you 7 FREE days of
- How to build a website in the area you choose, preferably something you know plenty of and are passionate about
- How to get Traffic (people) to come to your site
- How to put advertisements and affiliate information on your page to make money
- How to use this information to make a full time job
Why Choose Wealthy Affiliate?
I want to tell you why to choose Wealthy Affiliate.
When you sign up for your free account you are given so much useful information and the ability to start your own online business.
- 2 Free websites to use with whatever niche (category) you choose
- 7 days of live support
- Phase 1 of the affiliate boot camp
- Personal affiliate blog access
- Step by step video tutorials to set up your Website
That is the free membership, a free membership requires no credit card. Wealthy Affiliate has a premium account that you do not need to upgrade to if you did not find the free lessons worth your time. The premium membership has so many more features. I will let the image below compare the two.
I want you to fully check out the website before you purchase anything. I believe you will be so excited, as I was, to get started on your online business.
If you are not convinced yet, please read my full Wealthy Affiliate Review!
Read My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review Here!
I want to thank you for visiting and reading my post. I hope to see you on the inside of Wealthy Affiliate. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.
Creator of Who Doesnt Love