I Hate My Job But Can’t Afford To Quit – Find Out How You Can

Money May Not Buy Happiness But It Can Help You Achieve It!

I Hate My Job But Can’t Afford To Quit – Find Out How You Can

December 31, 2016 Money Idea 0
I hate my job | Hate your job?

If you have ever found yourself in the positon where you say “I hate my job but I can’t quit” then you have probably looked for alternatives to help yI hate this jobour situation.

I want to show you an alternative that will help you quit your job in as little as 3 months. You may even be able to quit sooner if you can save up enough money to get you 3 months down the line without an income.

The Alternative way to quitting your job and still make money is starting an Online Business. I learned from Wealthy Affiliate and you can too.

Read My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review Here

The Key To Running An Online Business

If you decide that quitting your job is a good idea then I want to show you how you can start an online business and be your own boss.training

#1) Create a website

When you start an online business you need to first have a website. Websites are so easy to create in todays age that you can have one up and ready in as little as 30 seconds.

You really do not need too much knowledge to create a website. The most important part of having a website is being able to put real quality content on it.

#2) Pick A Niche

What is a niche? A niche is a category that you pick to be the topic of your website. A niche can be very specific or very broad. An example could be, “Watches” that is a very broad niche, where if you narrow it down to “Rolex Watches.”

Choosing a niche is a very important part to running your own online business. You do not want to pick too broad of a niche and you want to have a good knowledgeable foundation of your niche.

You will be writing a posts about this niche and you want to be able to write a lot of these posts with lots of information, 1000 – 3000 words per post. The more you know about your niche the more profit you will make. I will get to how to make profit on #4.

#3) Gain Traffic

Gaining traffic to your website is the number one most impincrease of traffic graphortant part to making money online. If you want to quit your job and be your own full time boss, you need to understand traffic equals money.

When you write your posts about your particular niche, you want to write in an organic way, you want it to sound like a real person who actually has knowledge on your niche wrote that post. You want to gain trust from your visitors, the best way is to be yourself when you write and give them the information they need.

In order to get your website ranked on top search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, you must learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is very easy to learn and Wealthy Affiliate can teach you as they taught me and many others.

When writing in an SEO fashion you want to use keyword tools that tell you how many people have wrote about the same thing you are about to. The lower competition  you have the better, more people will be more likely to visit your site. Keyword tools also tell you how many people search for that particular keyword, so you want to write about keywords with low competition and high traffic. If you can be the only person with a site that has a certain keyword that people actually look for then you will receive all that traffic.

Wealthy Affiliate has a keyword tool you can use to help you get the best traffic you can.

Oh and remember, DO NOT USE TRAFFIC GENERATORS. You may feel temped to try and buy or earn traffic, but it is not quality traffic and you will earn no money.

Read Why I DO NOT RECOMMEND Traffic Generators 

#4) Monetize Your Website

This is the best part when it comes to being your own boss.. Making your own money. There are many ways your website can make money.

#1 way to make money online is Affiliate Marketing. When you are an affiliate marketer, you find products that are relevant to your niche, and promote them for the actual owner of the product. You do not need to own any of these products. You simply sign up for an affiliate program like Amazon Associates, and promote their products, every time someone buys a product that they visited your site to find, you get paid.


You can learn all you need to know to become an affiliate marketer by signing up for Wealthy Affiliate for Free.    Read My Wealthy Affiliate Full Review

There are other ways you can use your website to make yourself some money that you will want to do. Once you have your website up and quality content added you are then eligible to sign up for programs like Google AdSense, where you get paid to put their advertisements on your website.

Programs like Google AdSense are very strict with who they allow to put ads on their websites. If you can write real quality information about your niche that is helpful to others and gains you traffic, then you should have zero problems being accepted. Even if denied like I was the first time, you can continue to build your website and reapply.

Once you are accepted you may put advertisements on your website and be paid every time someone clicks on that advertisement. If you are able to get enough people just to visit your site, you can get paid but not as much as getting clicks. The main thing to remember is no matter what traffic is what will earn you money.

What You Should Do Now

If you are still reading this then you are most likely really wanting to quit your job and become an affiliate marketer. I have told you how you can make this dream come true now all you have to do is check out my full Wealthy Affiliate Review and Join. The Starter membership is FREE what is there to lose? I want to help people become happier with their lives. I hated working for my ex bosses. Now I get to do what I want when I want. I do have to take some time out of my day to do work on my websites but I am still doing it on my own time and I love doing it. I hope you can change your life for the better too.

My Full Wealthy Affiliate Review

I would love to answer any questions you may have. Leave your question below and I will be sure to get back to you!

Thanks for reading,

Creator Of WhoDoesntLoveMoney.com

Kenneth Huffman Jr

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