Free Affiliate Marketing Training

Money May Not Buy Happiness But It Can Help You Achieve It!

Free Affiliate Marketing Training

December 13, 2018 Money Idea 8
Free Affiliate Marketing Training |
Free Affiliate Marketing Training

Wealthy Affiliate Online Certification Level 1 – Build Your Own Site In Any Niche You Choose. Learn To Run An Online Business Of The Industry Of Affiliate Marketing, Learn About Affiliate Programs, Choosing Products, Building A Website, And The Overall Fundamentals Of How Making Money Online Works.

Wealthy AffiliateOnline Entrepreneur Certification Level 1

This is a 10-lesson course that is part of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification. It will walk you through the steps of creating a successful online business that generates revenue. This getting started course (level 1) is your first step to realizing your potential as an online business owner.

Starting with lesson 1 you will be taught and learn to accept 4 main points and be taken on a Wealthy Affiliate Walk-Through.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1
  1. Anyone Can Accomplish Success Online
  2. Anything NEW can appear to be Overwhelming at First
  3. No Technical or Prior Online Business Experience Required
  4. Success is a Journey

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 is all about teaching you the fundamentals of making money online. 3 Main Points.

  1. How Will YOU Earn Money?
  2. Understand The Make Money Process.
  3. Create Financial Goals

Lesson 3 is meant to help you be excited about choosing the Niche/Category of your site. Things You Will Learn.

  1. What Is Your Niche?
  2. Choose Your Direction
  3. Any Niche Website Can Become A Full Time Income/Business

Lesson 4 is a lesson that will be valuable to you beyond any program. Building a website is a skill that you can use to build other people websites, websites that you can sell, or use the long term teachings of WA to create a website that you continuously work on and scale to an income of your satisfaction. Main Things You Will Learn.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 Lesson 4
  1. Building a Website Ain’t Scary, It’s FUN
  2. How To Choose The Type Of Website (Free Or Paid Domain)
  3. How To Choose a Design
  4. The Power Of Hosting

Lesson 5 – In this lesson you will be walked through the process of your initial website set-up. This includes the removal of “default” content that is installed with every website as well as a look around of the back office of your website.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 Lesson 5
  1. How To Login Into Your Website Back Office
  2. Activate and Update Your Plugins
  3. Delete Default Posts, Pages and Comments

Lesson 6 – Your website should be in place and now you want to make it SEO ready so that search engines can find it. The goal is to get ranked in the BIG 3 search engines, Google, Bing & Yahoo. Do note that the focus is going to be primarily on Google as they own over 65% of all search traffic, and over 95% of mobile searches. Main Things You Will Learn:

  1. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
  2. Website Rankings = Targeted Traffic = Revenue!
  3. How To Set-Up All In One SEO On Your Site

Creating Your Initial Website Content Is What Lesson 7 Is All About. If you can build out your website in a way that is ready for SEO and create quality, relevant content, you are going to have a bright journey ahead of you within the online world.

The thing that most people stress about is being a “writer”, you DO NOT have to be a writer to be successful online.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 Lesson 7
  1. Create Your About Me Page
  2. Adding Your Privacy Policy Page
  3. WA SiteContent Tool – Best Writing Platform

Lesson 8 Helps You Understand Proper Website Navigation. If your website is difficult to navigate, people simply won’t stick around. The may read your content, and then just move onto another website. You can increase your website “page views” and overall website revenue if you understand proper navigation.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 Lesson 8
  1. Introducing “Custom” Menus in WordPress
  2. Create a Custom Menu For Your Readers
  3. Explore WordPress

Lesson 9 Focuses On Understanding What Keywords Are, What They Do And How To Use Them. If you have heard the term “keyword research”. This is the act of finding keyword phrases that are relevant to your niche and deciding whether it is appropriate to build content around that particular keyword.

Wealthy Affiliate Level 1 Lesson 9
  1. Each Post You Create Will Be Targeting a Keyword
  2. 100 posts = 100 target keywords = 100+ potential Google rankings
  3. Practice Keyword Research With Jaaxy
  4. The Rules of a Quality Keyword

Lesson 10 – You have already accomplished A LOT! By this point you can continue with the 10 free training lessons in The Affiliate Bootcamp or upgrade to the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership and unlock all 5 Levels Of The Online Certification.

By This Point In the Training You Will Have Learned:

How To set-up your account profile here at Wealthy Affiliate. Interact with other fellow marketers and aspiring marketers via live chat. Understand the process of earning money online. Set your idealistic short and long term “make money” goals. Chosen your niche from scratch. Named and built your very OWN website using SiteRubix. Set-up your website that is geared for long-term success. How to Activate your website plugins. Understand how to set-up plugins that maximize website efficiency. Optimize your website for search engines (Google, Yahoo, & Bing). Create your very first page of content on your website. Created many relationships with others here at WA. Gotten timely help when you needed it. Understand the process of keyword research. How to find a bunch of awesome, low competition keywords. How to properly set-up your website navigation and learned a bunch of powerful stuff that is going to help lead you to SUCCESS.

Ready To Try Level 1 Of The WA Online Certification

Wealthy Affiliate: Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 – Build Your Own Website To Promote Wealthy Affiliate And Other Make Money Online Affiliate Programs That Actually Work. If A Program Does Not Work, Tell Your Readers Why And Recommend Them To Wealthy Affiliate For Commissions On Members Who Find The Program Worth Their Time.

Wealthy Affiliate has one of the most lucrative “recurring” affiliate programs on the planet and within the first phase of the training you are going to get your business built on a solid foundation. All long term businesses start with a vision and a brand in the first phase of the Affiliate Bootcamp training you will learn all about long term online business.Affiliate Bootcamp At Wealthy Affiliate

This course is a 10 lessons and by the time you are finished this course, you are going to have your foundation for a long term and very lucrative business online set out!

Lesson 1 is all about getting you ready to make a life changing commitment and making sure you aim for success.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 1
  1. The WA Affiliate Program… It’s Awesome!
  2. Your Potential & Commission Structure
  3. Watch the Affiliate Program Walk Through
  4. Las Vegas, Be There in 2020 (300 Referrals Jan-Dec)

STARTER Member Commissions:

Initial $19 offer, Commission = $4

$49/mth, Commission = $11.25 recurring

$359/year, Commission = $87.50 recurring

PREMIUM Member Commissions: (100% higher commissions!!!)

Credits: They Set-up their account = $1

Domain Purchases: $1 recurring

Initial $19 offer, Commission = $8

$49/mth, Commission = $23.50 recurring

$359/year, Commission = $175 recurring!

Lesson 2 Is Where You Get A Little Conversation About BRANDING.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 2
  1. You Are a BRAND, You Will Be An Expert.
  2. Time To Choose Your Direction
  3. How To Target Your Target Audience

Lesson 3 is going to distinguish the difference between your Affiliate Bootcamp site and your Online Certification Course Site.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 3
  1. Building Your Website
  2. Choose Your Kind of Website (Free Or Paid Domain)
  3. Choose A Domain
  4. Choose A Name And Design

Lesson 4 is similar to the online certification course, clearing out dummy pages and getting used to being in your website’s back office.

  1. Delete the Dummy Page & Post
  2. Navigating the Back Office of Your Site
  3. How To Check If There Are Any Updates Available

Getting Your Plugins Activated To Fully Optimize Your Website Is What Lesson 5 Is For!

WordPress is the most widely used platform for managing websites in the world. This is because it is “open source”, meaning the general public can utilize the code.

This is very similar to how Google’s “Android” is an open source operating system for mobile phones and devices, WordPress is an open source platform for building and managing websites.

At Wealthy Affiliate they have developed the most sophisticated and secure website platform in the industry with SiteRubix, leveraging the WordPress framework.

** As a Premium member you have full access to ALL 49,000+ of these plugins. **

  1. Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 5
    Understanding And Activating Plugins

Plugin #1: EWWW Image Optimizer – This plugin will crunch images that you upload to your website so they are smaller and they load quicker. This will make your website more efficient, run faster and ultimately rank better in search engines (search engines rank FAST websites better).

Plugin #2: All in One SEO – This plugin is very useful to your set up and structuring for search engines.

Lesson 6 is going to stress on SEO – search engine optimization within the main 3 search engines, Google, Bing and Yahoo. When you can master SEO, you can manage a long term business with a long term income.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 6
  1. Introducing Search Engine Optimization
  2. SEO is NOT Rocket Science
  3. The Incredible, Long Term Opportunity With SEO
  4. How To Set Up Your All In One SEO Settings

Lesson 7 teaches you how to create your initial framework so search engines like your website from the start.

Search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo are interested in ONE thing. The most relevant content.

If you can build out your website in a way that is ready for SEO and create quality, relevant content, you are going to have a huge advantage on the competition.

The thing that most people stress about is being a “writer”, you DO NOT have to be a writer to be successful online.

You simply need to communicate with your audience, the same way that you would with a friend or a family member. And if you put the emphasis on helping people, you are going to be able to build trust, which is going to lead to long term and sustainable success online.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 7
  1. Creating Your “About Me” POST
  2. Adding Your “Privacy Policy” PAGE
  3. Creating A Custom Menu For Your Site
  4. Write One Blog Post With What You Learned

Ready For Lesson 8? Keyword Research is key for organic traffic which leads to $$$.

What is a keyword?

It is a word or a phrase that someone types into a search engine. People use words or phrases to find things they are looking for online and there are BILLIONS of keywords out there.

As an affiliate marketer at Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to become an expert with keyword research and coming up with search terms that people type into search engines.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 8
  1. Importance of Keywords to Your Business
  2. What Tools Do You Need to Find Keywords
  3. Research and Find 5 Keywords Relating to Your Niche
    START BROAD, Narrow Down.

4. The 3 Criterion Your Keywords Must Meet

  1. Keyword must get SOME traffic. Ideally you will choose a keyword that gets over monthly searches.
  2. Under 100 QSR (Competition). This is ideal for a newer website, but as you start to build out your site it is completely fine to target keywords that are under 200 QSR.
  3. The keyword must make sense. If the keyword phrase could not be used in a proper sentence, then chances are you shouldn’t use it. It must be grammatically correct.

Lesson 9 Teaches You To Create Reviews Which Can Lead To $$$.

The Internet is the gateway to information and being an affiliate marketer, of course this is where you are going to be delivering your reviews to a captive audience. If you understand how to effectively create a review, you can drive a lot of traffic to your business, and effectively convert a lot of “prospective” buyers into actual buyers.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1 Lesson 9
  1. The 4 “CIAO” Principles to a Great Review
  2. Choosing a Winning Title for Your Review
  3. Create Your Own Wealthy Affiliate Review

Lesson 10 – You should have learned a ton by now and be ready to quit or continue…

  1. Benefits to Going Premium. They Are VAST
  2. Double Down on Commissions
  3. Next step, Phase 2 Training

Your Future Looks Bright. The WA Training has numbers that you should be hitting in your first 6 months:

MONTH 1: Accomplishments

  • Website Set Up
  • SEO Set-up
  • Initial Framework of Content
  • Indexed in Google, Bing, Yahoo
  • You have 5-10 posts on your website
  • Earning Potential: A few sales, just getting your business foundation started

MONTH 3: Accomplishments

  • Content Starting to Get Ranked
  • Experience Some Big Breakthroughs in Search
  • Have Made Your First Sale or Two
  • Traffic is Cumulatively Starting to Grow
  • Search Engines are starting to give your site “authority”
  • You have 30-60 posts on your website
  • Earning Potential: $0-$500 per month

MONTH 6: Accomplishments

  • Traffic is starting to flow, ideally 100 uniques per day
  • Sales start to increase with consistency, several per week
  • You are truly starting to gain some expertise and brand
  • Bing/Yahoo start indexing your site at a higher rate
  • Engagement on your site starts to increase
  • You have 60-100 posts on your site
  • Earning Potential: $500-$3,000 per month

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp Level 1

When you can take the knowledge from level 1 of both courses, you end up with a pretty solid foundation of affiliate marketing. When you continue your online journey with Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Membership you unlock all 5 levels of the Online Certification and all 7 Levels Of The Affiliate Bootcamp, along with the best hosting, support and members you can ask for. If you have a question about anything website or affiliate related, you will find an answer at Wealthy Affiliate!

I would like to thank you for taking the time to check out my post about the free training offered at Wealthy Affiliate, if you want to know more about my journey, feel free to check out my About Me Page and or check out my profile within Wealthy Affiliate, lets have a conversation on the inside, reply to my messages when you sign up!

When it comes to money… Honestly, Who Doesn’t Love Money!?!



Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership Info

8 Responses

  1. Ngonidzashe Manzwangani says:

    I am 3 weeks into the course, and I can say with confidence that, this is one of the best idea I had to make in my entire life, joining Wealthy Affiliate. The community has one mind, to help each other to succeed online, the information in the course is just overwhelming but learnable and the technical support is seconded by none.  I have managed to set up my first ever website and I am on level one of the course, I am loving every minute of it!

    • Kenneth Huffman Jr says:

      Hey Ngonidzashe, great to hear you are loving the program and have your first site up and running. The support at WA is amazing because no matter what you are never alone because there is always a way to find a way through the dark when you are lost. Any questions you have are answered by either members or as you said the seconded to none support team at WA, anything and everything you need help with is searchable in all the different training available, I also recommend talking to different members of WA to find new spins and marketing tips.

      I hope you continue to love your experience with WA!

      Keep Moving Forward!

      CEO Of

  2. Cathy says:

    Prior to WordPress, I paid almost $600 for a 2 days course, learning how to build website from HTML. Needless to say, the site never took flight and I was left $600 poorer. When I saw the free training on WA, I was cautious but did it anyway because there was nothing to lose. Imagined my surprise when my site actually went live within an hour. I was stoked and sold to the idea of using WordPress. Since then, I’ve been following other tutorials on WA and have never looked back. 

    • Kenneth Huffman Jr says:

      Hi Cathy, sorry you had to spend that $600 before finding WA, live and learn is what they say…

      The free membership at WA is kind of skeptical due to how much you are actually offered before having to upgrade to premium, I like to tell people its a good way to gauge whether or not they are ready to start their own business or not quite ready for that kind of commitment, some people just don’t have the drive to learn more about what they don’t know, but that’s how you constantly improve and a trait you need to be successful in life.

      WordPress is a great system, I’ve been frustrated a few times with the system but I enjoy using it daily now within WA.

      Hope to connect on the inside, Cathy!

      Never Give Up Once You Start!

      CEO Of

  3. Ashley says:

    This post was super informative and I like how you laid everything out in an easy-to-read format. The commission levels were really helpful as well! I had no idea you could earn WA commission as a starter member…that is pretty cool. I want to show this post to my sister because she has been considering joining WA and I think this will help here get a better feel for the program. 

    • Kenneth Huffman Jr says:

      Hey Ashley, the perks of WA start as soon as you do with your free starter membership. The commission rates aren’t the greatest for a free member but they are possible and a way to work up to the premium membership rates. If you can earn referral commissions to pay for your premium membership you will instantly be making more when you upgrade to premium.

      Defeneftly show your sister this post and tell her not to be afraid to try something new. Even show her this comment proving I’m real just like over 1 million other Wealthy Affiliate members. I will be a life long WA member, hope to connect on the inside!

      Thanks for the comment, Ashley!

      Honestly, Who Doesn’t Love Money?!

      CEO Of

  4. Stew says:

    While I am premium and have been for 5 months, I have never taken the affiliate boot camp training because I have my own niche.

    I have from time to time thought about taking it, but never thought it would be relevant to me. 

    Do you think it would benefit me as someone who is not promoting WA, but doing my own thing?

    • Kenneth Huffman Jr says:

      Hey Stew, The Online Certification courses are enough to get your own niche site up and running which you have done. Now the Affiliate Bootcamp courses are going to teach you how to incorporate WA referral sales either in your current site or a new site.

      The main thing about the Affiliate Bootcamp at Wealthy Affiliate is they teach you that WA is for everyone, literally everyone. Anyone who wants to learn to build a full time income online, build websites, learn about affiliate marketing, affiliate programs or choosing which products to promote, literally anything about marketing products online with a website is available to be learned at Wealthy Affiliate. Tie this concept into your current website simply by telling your current readers where you created your website, where you host it and why Wealthy Affiliate is important to you. When your readers understand your method, they may want to follow in your footsteps, might as well earn some affiliate commission for getting them here.

      So long story short, Stew… Go through the Affiliate Bootcamp when you get a chance. The Pay-Per-Click training in there is much more detailed compared to The Certification course, that is something you will definitely benefit from in the long run!

      Reach Out If You Need A Question Answered Along The Way!


      CEO Of

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